Join Us

  • Single Member, First Claim - £30

    West Suffolk Wheelers is your primary (or only) club

  • Single Member, Second Claim - £20

    The club is a community that encourages participation, enjoyment and development in all aspects of cycling and triathlon

  • Over 60 or Unwaged - £20

    Proof of status may be required

  • Under 18 - £15

    Under 18 on the date of joining/renewing

Membership is for 12 months from the date of signing up.

For membership enquiries, please email:

Membership Benefits

As well as being a great bunch of people, over 500 strong, there are many, many benefits to being a member of the West Suffolk Wheelers; here’s just a few…

Affiliated club for access to competitive events

  • British Cycling
  • Triathlon England
  • CTTA (Cycling Time Trials)
  • Racing

  • ERRL (Eastern Road Race League)
  • Eastern Cyclo-Cross League

Club Runs

  • 6 rides a week for all ability levels


  • Open Water Swimming
  • Coached Pool Sessions
  • Weekly training rides
  • Winter indoor turbo/rollers sessions


  • Italy Spring Training Camp
  • Velodrome