Handling The Misadventurous Legacy
A few words first.
This is one of the first home-made www comics. Don't attempt to
read it unless you are the comic-maniac-sort-of-person, otherwise you'll get
bored and you'll blame it on me.
It is 28 pages all together, and each
page has one link to the next page and another to the previous. Alternatively
you may use the Page Index at the bottom. All pages
are in gif format, each one no bigger than 45Kbytes.
Now if you are the comic-maniac-sort-of-person and you still
think it's hopeless, hey! I'm only an amateur, ok? In either case I would
appreciate your comments. You can e-mail me using the mail tool at the bottom
of this page. I'd really love to hear from you.
Oh! go on then! Give it a try! :o)
Contact Information
Email: fefie@dcs.bbk.ac.uk