AiML news 2005

December 20, 2005. First Call for Papers: WORKSHOP ON HYBRID LOGIC 2006 (HyLo 2006)

(affiliated with LICS 2006)
Seattle, August 11, 2006

Theme. Hybrid logic is a branch of modal logic where it is possible to directly refer to worlds/times/states or whatever the elements of the model are meant to represent. It is easy to justify interest in hybrid logic because of the usefulness of the additional expressive power, and moreover, hybridization often improves the behavior of the underlying modal formalism. The workshop HyLo 2006 is relevant to a wide range of people, including those interested in description logic, feature logic, applied modal logics, temporal logic, and labelled deduction.

Submission. Details will be announced at the workshop web page. The proceedings have been accepted for publication in ENTCS.

Submission deadline: May 26, 2006 (tentative)

Program committee

  • Carlos Areces (INRIA Lorraine, France)
  • Patrick Blackburn (INRIA Lorraine, France)
  • Thomas Bolander (Technical University of Denmark)
  • Torben Braüner (Roskilde University, Denmark) --- Chair
  • Valeria de Paiva (PARC, USA)
  • Melvin Fitting (Lehman College, New York, USA)
  • Balder ten Cate (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
  • Jørgen Villadsen (Roskilde University, Denmark)

August 14, 2005: Redesigned AiML web site is launched

The redesigned AiML web site has been finally launched. All its sections are now fully available.

February 12, 2005: New book "Bridges from Classical to Nonmonotonic Logic" by David Makinson

[D. Makinson. Bridges from Classical to Nonmonotonic Logic]

Texts in Computing, vol 5.
King's College Publications, London, February 2005
Paperback, ISBN 1-904987-00-1

The purpose of this book is to take some of the mystery out of the subject of nonmonotonic logic, and show that it is accessible to anybody with a minimal background in classical propositional logic and a few basic mathematical tools. It is written as a textbook, to suit the needs of the student and instructor, as well as for the solitary reader. It includes exercises and problems, selected solutions to them, suggested projects, recapitulations at the end of each chapter, and guides to further reading.

Available from King's College Publications and from Price: GBP 10, USD 19.50