Advances in Modal Logic 2010
The eighth Advances in Modal Logic conference (AiML-2010) took place at the Steklov Mathematical Institute in Moscow, Russia, from 24-27 August 2010.
Local organization:
Lev Beklemishev
Programme committee:
Carlos Areces, Philippe Balbiani, Alexandru Baltag, Guram Bezhanishvili, Lev Beklemishev, Johan van Benthem, Patrick Blackburn, Torben Brauner, Balder ten Cate, Stéphane Demri, Melvin Fitting, Silvio Ghilardi, Rob Goldblatt, Rajeev Goré, Andreas Herzig, Wiebe van der Hoek, Ian Hodkinson, Rosalie Iemhoff, Alexander Kurz, Martin Lange, Carsten Lutz, Larisa Maksimova, Edwin Mares, Larry Moss, Martin Otto, Dirk Pattinson, Mark Reynolds, Renate Schmidt, Nobu-Yuki Suzuki, Yde Venema, Igor Walukiewicz, Frank Wolter, and Michael Zakharyaschev
Programme co-chairs: Valentin Goranko and Valentin Shehtman
Invited speakers:
- Dick de Jongh (ILLC, Universiteit van Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
- Heinrich Wansing (Dresden University of Technology, Germany)
- Alexandru Baltag (University of Oxford, UK)
- Martin Otto (Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany)
Conference local website:
Call for papers: [ TXT ]
Tuesday, August 24
- 9:00-9:40
- Registration (Room 515, 5th foor) and Coffee
- 9:40-9:45
- Opening
- 9:45-10:45
- Invited talk
- 9:45
- Some Applications of Universal Models
Dick de Jongh
- 10:50-11:25
- Full paper presentation
- 10:50
- Islands of Tractability for Relational Constraints: Towards Dichotomy
Results for the Description Logic EL
Agi Kurucz, Frank Wolter and Michael Zakharyaschev*
- 11:25-11:45
- Coffee
- 11:45-12:55
- Full paper presentations
- 11:45
- Absolute Completeness of S4u for Its Measure-Theoretic Semantics
David Fernández-Duque
- 12:20
- Complete Axiomatization of the Stutter-invariant Fragment of the Linear Time μ-calculus
Amélie Gheerbrant
- 13:00-15:00
- Lunch
- 15:00-16:10
- Full paper presentations (chair: Valentin Shehtman)
- 15:00
- On the Size of Shortest Modal Descriptions
Santiago Figueira and Daniel Gorín*
- 15:35
- Simulation of Two Dimensions in Unimodal Logics
Ilya Shapirovsky
- 16:10-16:30
- Coffee
- 16:30-17:05
- Full paper presentation (chair: Valentin Shehtman)
- 16:30
- Completeness Proof by Semantic Diagrams for Transitive Closure of
Accessibility Relation
Ryo Kashima
- 17:05-18:05
- Invited talk (chair: Valentin Shehtman)
- 17:05
- Proofs, Disproofs, and Their Duals
Heinrich Wansing
- 18:15
- Welcome Drink
Wednesday, August 25
- 9:15-10:25
- Full paper presentations (chair: Heinrich Wansing)
- 9:15
- A Complete Proof System for a Dynamic Epistemic Logic Based upon
Finite π-Calculus Processes
Eric Ufferman*, Pedro Arturo Góngora and Francisco
- 9:50
- Future Event Logic — Axioms and Complexity
Hans van Ditmarsch, Tim French and Sophie Pinchinat*
- 10:25-10:45
- Coffee
- 10:45-11:45
- Invited talk (chair: Heinrich Wansing)
- 10:45
- Iterating model transformers: cycles and fixed points, paradoxes and learning
Alexandru Baltag
- 11:50-13:00
- Full paper presentations (chair: Heinrich Wansing)
- 11:50
- Cut-elimination and Proof Search for Bi-Intuitionistic Tense Logic
Rajeev Goré*, Linda Postniece and Alwen Tiu
- 12:25
- A Syntactic Realization Theorem for Justification Logics
Kai Brünnler, Remo Goetschi* and Roman Kuznets
- 13:00-15:00
- Lunch
- 15:00-16:10
- Full paper presentations (chair: Dick de Jongh)
- 15:00
- On Modal Logics of Linear Inequalities
Clemens Kupke* and Dirk Pattinson
- 15:35
- Coalgebraic Lindström Theorems
Alexander Kurz* and Yde Venema
- 16:10-16:30
- Coffee
- 16:30-18:30
- Short paper presentations: Parallel session 1 (chair: Michael Zakharyaschev)
- 16:30
- Superintuitionistic Logics of Atomless Sub-Boolean Kripke Frames
Timofei Shatrov
- 16:50
- Undecidability of the Problem of Topological Completeness of Normal Extensions of S4
Alexander V. Chagrov and Lilia A. Chagrova*
- 17:20
- On Monotone Modalities and Adjointness
Marta Bílková, Jiří Velebil* and Yde Venema
- 17:40
- Epistemic Reasoning in Flatland and Lineland
Philippe Balbiani, Olivier Gasquet and François Schwarzentruber*
- 18:10
- About an Example of a Decidable Finitely Axiomatizable K4-logic Undecidable with Respect to Admissibility of Inference Rules
Mikhail I. Golovanov
- 16:30-18:30
- Short paper presentations: Parallel session 2 (chair: Alexandru Baltag)
- 16:30
- A Modal Logic for Pertinence
Katarina Britz, Johannes Heidema and Ivan Varzinczak
- 16:50
- Becoming Aware
Hans van Ditmarsch and Tim French
- 17:20
- A Topological Interpretation of Public Announcement Logic
Philippe Balbiani and Andrey Kudinov*
- 17:40
- An Intuitionistic Foundation for Interactive Computation
Simon Kramer
- 18:10
- Second-Order Theory Δ As a Tool for Description of Modal Semantics
Grigory K. Olkhovikov
Thursday, August 26
- 9:15-10:25
- Full paper presentations (chair: Lev Beklemishev)
- 9:15
- Semantic Characterization of Kracht Formulas
Stanislav Kikot
- 9:50
- Logics of Space with Connectedness Predicates: Complete Axiomatizations
Tinko Tinchev and Dimiter Vakarelov*
- 10:25-10:45
- Coffee
- 10:45-11:45
- Invited talk (chair: Lev Beklemishev)
- 10:45
- Expressive Completeness
Martin Otto
- 11:50-13:00
- Full paper presentations (chair: Lev Beklemishev)
- 11:50
- Uniform Interpolation for Monotone Modal Logic
Luigi Santocanale and Yde Venema*
- 12:25
- Goldblatt-Thomason-style Theorems for Graded Modal Language
Katsuhiko Sano and Minghui Ma
- 13:00-15:00
- Lunch
- 16:00-19:30
- Excursion (boat trip)
- 19:30
- Conference Dinner at the New Building of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Leninsky Prospekt 32A
Friday, August 27
- 9:15-10:25
- Full paper presentations (chair: Yde Venema)
- 9:15
- A Remark on Propositional Kripke Frames Sound for Intuitionistic Logic
Dmitrij Skvortsov
- 9:50
- Bi-approximation Semantics for Substructural Logic at Work
Tomoyuki Suzuki
- 10:25-10:45
- Coffee
- 10:45-11:45
- Invited talk (chair: Yde Venema)
- 10:45
- Complexity of the Lambek Calculus and Its Fragments
Mati Pentus
- 11:45-12:25
- Coffee
- 12:25-13:00
- Full paper presentation (chair: Yde Venema)
- 12:25
- A Simple Semantics for Aristotelian Apodeictic Syllogistics
Sara L. Uckelman and Spencer Johnston
- 13:00-15:00
- Lunch
- 15:00-16:00
- Short paper presentations (chair: Dimiter Vakarelov)
- 15:00
- Weak Interpolation Property over the Minimal Logic
Larisa Maksimova
- 15:20
- On Positive Fragments of Polymodal Provability Logic
Evgenij Dashkov
- 15:40
- Ceteris Paribus Logic
Patrick Girard* and Jeremy Seligman*
- 16:00-16:15
- Coffee
- 16:15-16:50
- Full paper presentation (chair: Dimiter Vakarelov)
- 16:15
- A Simple Semantics for Aristotelian Apodeictic Syllogistics
Marta Bílková, Ondrej Majer*, Michal Peliš and Greg Restall
- 16:50-17:20
- Coffee and Closing