Advances in Modal Logic 2008
The seventh Advances in Modal Logic conference (AiML-2008) took place in Nancy, France, from 9-12 September 2008.
Local organization:
Patrick Blackburn
Programme committee:
Alessandro Artale, Alexandru Baltag, Guram Bezhanishvili, Philippe Balbiani, Patrick Blackburn, Stéphane Demri, Melvin Fitting, Guido Governatori, Silvio Ghilardi, Valentin Goranko, Rajeev Goré, Andreas Herzig, Ian Hodkinson, Ramon Jansana, Alexander Kurz, Carsten Lutz, Edwin Mares, Larry Moss, Dirk Pattinson, Mark Reynolds, Ulrike Sattler, Ildiko Sain, Renate Schmidt, Jerry Seligman, Valentin Shehtman, Nobu-Yuki Suzuki, Yde Venema, Heinrich Wansing, Frank Wolter and Michael Zakharyaschev
Programme co-chairs: Carlos Areces and Rob Goldblatt
Invited speakers:
- Mai Gehrke (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
- Guido Governatori (NICTA, Australia)
- Agi Kurucz (King's College London, UK)
- Lawrence Moss (Indiana University, Bloomington, USA)
- Michael Zakharyaschev (Birkbeck College, London, UK)
Conference local website:
Call for papers: [ TXT ]
Tuesday, September 9
- 9:30-10:15
- Opening and Coffee
- 10:15-12:30
- Full paper presentations (chair: Carlos Areces)
- 10:15
- A Lindström Characterisation of the Guarded Fragment and of Modal Logic With a Global Modality
Martin Otto and Robert Piro*
- 11:00
- Modal Logic of Time Division
Tero Tulenheimo
- 11:45
- A Modal Perspective on Monadic Second-Order Alternation Hierarchies
Antti Kuusisto
- 12:30-14:00
- Lunch
- 14:00-15:30
- Full paper presentations (chair: Rob Goldblatt)
- 14:00
- Cut-elimination and proof-search for bi-intuitionistic logic using nested sequents
Rajeev Goré, Linda Postniece* and Alwen Tiu
- 14:45
- Valentini's Cut-elimination for Provability Logic Resolved
Rajeev Goré and Revantha Ramanayake*
- 15:30-16:00
- Coffee break
- 16:00-17:00
- Abstract presentations (chair: Michael Zakharyaschev)
- 16:00
- An extension of Kracht's theorem to monadic inductive formulas
Stas Kikot
- 16:30
- Compact Hausdorff modal algebras are image-finite Kripke frames
Jacob Vosmaer
- 17:00-18:00
- Invited talk (chair: Rob Goldblatt)
- 17:00
- Duality theory as a Rosetta Stone
or Using duality theory to export methods from modal logic
Invited speaker: Mai Gehrke
- 19:00
- Reception at the Musée Lorraine
Wednesday, September 10
- 9:30-11:00
- Full paper presentations (chair: Carlos Areces)
- 9:30
- PSPACE-decidability of Japaridze's Polymodal Logic
Ilya Shapirovsky
- 10:15
- A decision procedure for alternation-free modal mu-calculi
Yoshinori Tanabe*, Koichi Takahashi and Masami Hagiya
- 11:00-11:30
- Coffee break
- 11:30-12:30
- Invited talk (chair: Mark Reynolds)
- 11:30
- Labelled modal tableaux
Invited speaker: Guido Governatori
- 12:30-14:00
- Lunch
- 14:00-15:30
- Full paper presentations (chair: Carlos Areces)
- 14:00
- Many-Valued Hybrid Logic
Jens Ulrik Hansen*, Thomas Bolander and Torben Braüner
- 14:45
- Locality and subsumption testing in EL and some of its extensions
Viorica Sofronie-Stokkermans
- 15:30-16:00
- Coffee break
- 16:00-17:00
- Abstract presentations (chair: Stéphane Demri)
- 16:00
- Generalised Kripke semantics for the Lambek-Grishin calculus
Anna Chernilovskaya* and Mai Gehrke
- 16:30
- An algebraic generalization of Kripke structures
Sérgio Marcelino
- 17:00-18:00
- Invited talk (chair: Mai Gehrke)
- 17:00
- Two études on computer science and modal logic
Invited speaker: Michael Zakharyaschev
Thursday, September 11
- 9:30-11:00
- Full paper presentations (chair: Rob Goldblatt)
- 9:30
- On the intermediate logic of open subsets of metric spaces
Timofei Shatrov
- 10:15
- Modal Logics for Mereotopological Relations
Yavor Nenov and Dimiter Vakarelov
- 11:00-11:30
- Coffee break
- 11:30-12:30
- Invited talk (chair: Ian Hodkinson)
- 10:30
- Axiomatising products modal logics
Invited speaker: Agi Kurucz
- 12:30-14:00
- Lunch
- 14:00-15:30
- Full paper presentations
- 14:00
- Three 13th-century views of quantified modal logic
Sara L. Uckelman
- 14:45
- An Interval Logic for Natural Language Semantics
Savas Konur
- 15:30-16:00
- Coffee break
- 16:00-17:00
- Abstract presentations
- 16:00
- A Tableau for RoBCTL*
John McCabe-Dansted
- 16:30
- Inconsistency-Adaptive Modal Logics: Part I
Hans Lycke
- 17:00-18:00
- Invited talk (chair: Yde Venema)
- 10:30
- Relational syllogistic logics, and other connections between modal logic and natural logic
Invited speaker: Lawrence Moss
- 19:00
- Gala dinner at the Mairie de Nancy
Friday, September 12
- 9:30-11:00
- Full paper presentations
- 9:30
- Properties of logics of individual and group agency
Andreas Herzig and Francois Schwarzentruber*
- 10:15
- Undecidability for arbitrary public announcement logic
Tim French and Hans van Ditmarsch*
- 11:00-11:30
- Coffee break
- 11:30-12:30
- Abstract presenatations (chair: Guido Governatori)
- 11:30
- Counterpart Semantics at work: an Incompleteness Result in Quantified Modal Logic
Francesco Belardinelli
- 12:00
- Restricted interpolation in modal and superintuitionistic logics
Larisa Maksimova
- 12:30-14:00
- Lunch
- 14:00-15:30
- Full paper presentations
- 14:00
- Proof systems for the coalgebraic cover modality
Marta Bilkova, Alessandra Palmigiano and Yde Venema*
- 14:45
- Clemens Kupke, Alexander Kurz* and Yde Venema
A complete coalgebraic logic
- 15:30-16:15
- Coffee break and closing