Advances in Modal Logic'96
The first Advances in Modal Logic workshop, AiML'96, was held from October 8-10, 1996 at the Freie Universität Berlin, Germany.
Local organization:
Marcus Kracht
Programme committee:
Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke (chair),
Heinrich Wansing, Michael Zakharyaschev
AiML'96 is generously sponsored by:
Call for papers: [ TXT ]
Tuesday, October 8
- 09.00-10.00
- Hyper Arrow Logic
Invited speaker: Dimiter Vakarelov
- 10.15-10.45
- Terminological Modal Logic
Philippe Balbiani
- 11.00-11.30
- Topological Nexttime Logic
Bernhard Heinemann
- 11.45-12.15
- Minimal Knowledge States in Nonmonotonic Modal Logics
Riccardo Rosati
- 14.00-14.30
- On the Finite Model Property of Fischer-Servi's Intuitionistic Modal Logic
Carsten Grefe
- 14.45-15.15
- Two Kinds of Irreflexive Modality in Intuitionistic Logic and Novikov Completeness
A.D. Yashin
- 15.30-16.00
- There are Continuum Many Minimal Varieties of Temporal Algebras
Tomasz Kowalski
- 16.15-17.15
- Fusions of Modal Logics Revisited
Invited speaker: Frank Wolter
Special session in honour of Wolfgang Rautenberg on the occasion of his 60th birthday, with an invited lecture by Wim Blok.
Wednesday, October 9
- 09.00-10.00
- Interpretability Logic
Invited speaker: Albert Visser
- 10.15-10.45
- Shakesperian Modal Logic: A Labeled Treatment of Modal Identity
Alberto Artosi, Paola Benassi, Guido Governatori, and Antonino Rotolo
- 11.00-11.30
- Cut-free Calculus for Modal Logics Containing the Barcan Axiom
Aida Pliuskeviciene
- 11.45-12.15
- Interpolation in Superintuitionistic and Modal Predicate Logics with Equality
Larisa Maksimova
- 14.00-14.30
- Resolution is a Decision Procedure for Many Propositional Modal Logics
Renate Schmidt
- 14.45-15.15
- On the Relationship Between Interleaving and Causal Models of Parallel Computations
Vladimir Spanopolu and Vladimir Zakharov
- 15.30-16.30
- Uniform Interpolation, Automata and the Modal Mu-Calculus
Invited speakers: Marco Hollenberg and Giovanna d'Agostino
Workshop dinner
Thursday, October 10
- 09.00-10.00
- Hybrid Languages
Invited speaker: Patrick Blackburn
- 10.15-10.45
- Linearized Deterministic Kripke Models
Valentin Shehtman
- 11.00-11.30
- On the Incompleteness of Modal Logics of Space
Ian Pratt and Oliver J. Lemon
- 11.45-12.15
- On the Degree of Neighbourhood Incompleteness of Normal Modal Logics
Lilia Chagrova
- 14.00-14.30
- A Note on Isomorphisms between Canonical Frames
Timothy Surendonk
- 14.45-15.15
- Two-Dimensional Modal Logic: Decidability and Undecidability
Maarten Marx and Szabolcs Mikulas
- 15.30-16.00
- Duality in Super-Intuitionistic and Modal Predicate Logics
Hiroyuki Shirasua
- 16.15-17.15
- Atom Structures
Invited speaker: Yde Venema